Mid-term visits and end of tenancy check-out

You can now join us for our new training on mid-term visits and the end of tenancy check-out process, hosted by TDS and Inventory Hive.  This is the second of two on-demand sessions.

The course includes an introduction to mid-term visits with a focus on legal, regulatory and best practice when performing visits.  The training includes practice guidance for mid term-visits and check-out reports, along with a focus on how check-in and check-out reports are used by an adjudicator when considering deposit deductions.  There is also an introduction to key adjudication principles which should be considered when undertaking reports to include fair wear and tear and betterment. 

The session comes with a number of benefits to include 8 downloadable resources, a certificate of completion and an invitation to an ‘ask the adjudicator’ session.

Please allow 90 minutes to complete the session.