Resolution services

The Dispute Service Resolution Services

As part of our overall tenancy deposit protection service, agents, landlords and tenants have access to free dispute resolution in relation to disputes about the distribution of the deposit at the end of the tenancy. We also provide a dispute resolution service for Zero Deposit, a deposit replacement product.

We receive circa 22,500 initial dispute requests each year and many of these are resolved by the landlords and tenants themselves or by our own early resolution efforts. We issue circa 15,500 formal adjudications each year.

Our Team

We deliver our service through two teams of experienced and skilled resolution practitioners, who undergo extensive legal, property and resolution skills training.  All members of the resolution team are selected through an open recruitment process and are permanent employees.

The Casework and Early Resolution Team

Sanam Khan headshot

The casework team is led by Sanam Khan, who is the Head of Resolution Operations.  She is a law graduate and has been with the organisation for 6 years, leading a team of 11 Resolution Executives and supported by a Lead Resolution Executive.  The team focusses on the administration of disputes and helping the parties to reach an early agreed resolution wherever possible.  All members of the team hold Propertymark’s Level 3 Award in Residential Tenancy Deposit Protection and Management.

The Adjudication Team

Sandy Bastin headshot

The Head of TDS Adjudication Services is Sandy Bastin, who is a non-practicing solicitor with over 20 years’ experience in real estate.  She has been with the organisation for 12 years and is responsible for the management of the adjudication team and for the provision of ADR training to our customers.  The team consists of 20 Adjudicators and 2 Lead Adjudicators, all of whom are Associate members of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

To find out more about our work, visit the Help Centre and take a look at our Annual Review, FAQs, Guides and Case Studies.